Where do I access my account?
Go to the Durango Tool Library Tool Catalog. Use the "Log in" link on the right hand side of the page. If you are already signed in, your user name will be visible instead. Select your username to view your account, reservations, loans, or transaction information.
What is MyTurn?
DTL uses the myTurn platform for our Tool Catalog, to manage our tools and memberships. You can use the Tool Catalog to view our inventory of tools, place a 24 hour reservation or hold on tools, and to access and manage your member account.
How is DTL different from a tool rental service?
DTL is a tool-lending library. Our services are different from tool rental services in five key ways:
We're a public benefit corporation. See our About Us page for details.
We're more affordable. Pay for a subscription, instead of paying to rent by the hour or day.
We offer tools for a wider variety of activities. Borrow tools for bike repair, carpentry, sewing, and more.
We loan hand tools and small power tools. Access any of the tools you need for your DIY projects.
We provide educational resources. Find guidance on how to use any of our tools.
Who can become a member?
Anyone who is 18 years of age or older, and who lives in Durango, CO or the surrounding area in Southwest Colorado.
How do I become a member?
To become a DTL member, you need to create a member account, pay a subscription fee, and verify your age and residency in Southwest Colorado. See Become a Member for details.
What is the difference between cost and renewal cost?
The membership cost applies to new or restarting memberships; it includes a $10 start/restart fee. The renewal cost applies to continuing or non-stop subscriptions (sustaining memberships). Renew your membership within 1 week for monthly memberships or 1 month for annual memberships to pay the renewal cost.
How can I stop my subscription?
You can stop your membership subscription by turning off auto-renew and allowing your current membership to expire. See Manage Subscription for details.
How can I restart my subscription?
You can restart your membership subscription by selecting and paying for a membership subscription. See Manage Subscription for details.
Tool Inventory
Can I request a tool?
Yes! Let us know if you can't find a tool you need. Submit a tool request here, or let us know next time you are at the library.
Can I donate tools?
Yes. However, we may not be able to accept your donated tools, depending on their condition. DTL tools are intended to be used by many members. We need to ensure the tools are in good enough condition to withstand heavy use. Also, since DTL is a Public Benefit Corporation, please note that your donation will not be tax deductible.
Tool Loans
How many tools can I borrow?
You can borrow up to 8 tools at a time.
Do you provide consumables?
Some tools, like saws and sewing machines, come with general purpose, previously used consumables, like a standard saw blade or sewing needle. Check the catalog record for the tool to see whether a consumable is provided with the tool loan.
Any new or specialized consumables will need to be purchased. Some new consumables are available for purchase at the library.
Can I reserve tools?
Yes, you can reserve 1 or more tools up to 30 days in advance. When you select a date for pickup, a return date will automatically be assigned 1 week from pickup.​
Can I renew tool loans?
No, not at this time. Please plan on returning the tools at the end of your 1 week borrow period.
What do I do if a tool is broken?
If you notice a problem with the tool when you first start using it, please bring it back to the library as soon as possible. If the tool breaks while you are using it, please don't hesitate to return it to the library.
Are there late fees?
Yes. If tools are not returned by end of business on their due date, you will be charged late fees: $3 a day per tool, up to the cost of each tool plus a $10 administrative fee.
Can I use the tools for my business?
Our tools should not be used for contracting or other commercial services. However, small businesses are welcome to borrow tools for projects that do not directly drive income, like making improvements or repairs to your business space.